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Joshua - The Ravager

Walk away from here,
But remember the paths, for in time others will follow.
Keep these trails open and safe,
For those who will take them will be the inheritors of the future.
When they have left,
And silence returns to Vimary
So shall your task be done, and rest your reward
- From the dying words of Joshua.

Joshua was the boldest and most aggressive of the Fatimas, His rage and lust for revenge a counterpoint to Joan's strategy and skill. He died slaying the most mighty of the Z'bri; without His sacrifice there would be no Liberation.

He was a mighty construction of immense proportions, and wielded the eminences of Force and Vengeance.

The Tribe

Joshuans are a forgotten people; each summer their numbers fall and their memories of their Fatima dull. For this reason, they gather by His relics, and worship them as they worship Him. Where once a whole Fatima stood, now all they have are fragments.

The real Eighth Tribe live, eking out meagre existences in small communities in the Outlands. The Ravager's betrayal and death shocked the tribe to its core. They fought for the Liberation of all the tribes, and in their moment of triumph their Fatima was taken from them. Each react to Joshua's death differently; some lose themselves in violence and death, exacting their vengeance on the Z'bri or the Tribes, while others become reclusive, leading simple lives in the dark Outlands. Most Joshuans, however, honour Joshua by carrying the mantle of protector and avengers, but all possess a volatile personality.

Mary - The Forgiver

Silent and with purpose I came,
The conscience of the One Goddess to heal and forgive,
To touch with kindness and be ever more.
An end awaits us all and when it comes
Our light will shine no more, except in the hearts of those we leave behind
And in the legacy of the future.
- From the Omens of Mary.

Mary was the kindest and purest of the Fatimas, Her grace and love defining Her life and Her Tribe. She died for a sin even She could not forgive, though none now know what it was. From Her death, Agnes was born.

She was a shining mirrored creation, known to her followers as The Magnificent One, and wielded the eminences of Purity and Recognition.

The Tribe

Mary's children regard Her death as both a beginning and an end. Slightly more stoic in nature than the Joshuans, the Marians believe that as long as they honour Mary She will continue to live in their hearts. At the same time, beneath this facade, the Marians are filled with doubt. Most are able to hide it, to bury it deep inside, but they all wonder at some point if Mary still remembers them. They are born into other Tribes and do not learn of their true heritage until much later.

lost_tribes.1418382226.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/12/12 11:03 by joe
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