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next_event [2015/12/14 12:13]
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 If you cancel your booking more than four weeks before the event we will fully refund your payment. If you cancel between 4 and 2 weeks before the event we will refund you half your booking fee. If you cancel your booking less than two weeks before the event then we will be unable to offer a refund. If you cancel your booking more than four weeks before the event we will fully refund your payment. If you cancel between 4 and 2 weeks before the event we will refund you half your booking fee. If you cancel your booking less than two weeks before the event then we will be unable to offer a refund.
-=====Booking Form=====+=====Event Guide=====
-Please email **gm@fallingdown.chaosdeathfish.com** with any questions and to discuss your character.+Welcome to the event guide for Falling Down's fourth and final event, "The Beginning". We hope to provide you with all the relevant information you need to enjoy the weekend. If you would like some clarification, please get in touch: gm@fallingdown.chaosdeathfish.com
-Payment details will be emailed out with booking confirmation. 
-<html><iframe src="https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1NC9P8ipX8Efb6J8UTHR_q7FEB9WDwZL1B-aZyv36a0A/viewform?embedded=true" width="760" height="500" frameborder="0" marginheight="0marginwidth="0">Loading...</iframe><;/html&gt;+====IC Premise==== 
 +Following the [[:the_fates_-_repercussions|violent clashes]] between Boarhead's Confederacy and the Oneida over control of Magog six months ago, the village itself is something of an anarchic area - patrolled by the Oneida, but regularly raided by Boarhead's squats, with the Joshuans lashing out at all and sundry, the Leox cowering behind their Fallen allies, and various groups of Keepers both defending and attacking the Fallen.  Some Fallen question why they are still in Magog, but the cold truth is that most have nowhere else to go, and even if they did, there's no hope of moving even the depleted numbers of Fallen anywhere together while the war rages.  However, there is turmoil in the Tribes about whatever deal may exist or have existed between the Fatimas and the Z'bri, and the world itself is at threat from the rising tide in the Sea of the Lost 
 +We strongly encourage players to think about their character's attitudes towards confession, guilt and decisions.  This is an entirely optional thing but it's particularly relevant to this event, as it is themed around human agency. 
 +====The Site==== 
 +The event is being held at [[http://www.northoxfordshirescouts.org.uk/page-horley_scout_camp.html|Horley Scout Camp]] near Banbury.  Most players and crew will be camping - anyone who is sleeping in one of the limited number of bunks on site should already have received an email informing them of this. 
 +Everywhere else, aside from the toilet blocks and the chapel are considered IC areas; you should not store important IC items (like drugs or crafted items) in OC areas except when you are there as well. 
 +Most players will be sleeping in the IC area. If you are asleep during Time In, it is perfectly acceptable for someone to gently wake you and inform you that they have injured or killed your character. 
 +You are responsible for providing your own IC light sources and we strongly encourage you to do so. Except in emergencies, modern torches or extra-bright LED lanterns are not acceptable, as such items are exceedingly rare IC. Please use electric candles, paraffin-burning storm lanterns (held low if you take them into combat) or electric lanterns that you have muffled/disguised somehow (for example, by wrapping red or yellow acetate around the glass/plastic casing) as IC light sources. 
 +There is an open-air chapel that will be strictly off-limits at all times throughout the event. It will be clearly marked. 
 +====Checking In==== 
 +Upon arrival on site, please come to the Dean Lodge, which is where check-in and Monster will be. Once you have told us that you’re on site, and received your character pack (containing any lammies, ribbons and drugs your character is entitled to), then you can get to work unpacking and getting into character. Please also bring your weapons along for checking at this point – we will not provide you with your check-in pack unless your weapons have been checked.  Please note that we will not provide you with a reference card for your character's abilities, so please make sure you make any notes you think you might require!  However, we will be supplying "show-me lammiesfor some abilities - if you think you ought to have some, please check to make sure that you do, and ask a Guide for one if not! 
 +====Car Parking==== 
 +Car parking is available near the entrance. 
 +====Times, Arrival and Time-In==== 
 +You may arrive on site any time after 4pm on Friday (please do not arrive before this time except by prior arrangement, as doing so will negatively affect your enjoyment of the event). Time In will be called at 8pm (at which point we will turn out the lights in the playing area), and Time Out will be called at 2am on Sunday. 
 +We will be operating a "softerTime In from 1am-9am on Saturday morning There is no meaningful difference in the rules or what your characters are capable of during this period, but Guide support will be limited and there will be significantly fewer NPCs sent out. 
 +You must be off site by 2pm at the very latest on Sunday, with no exceptions. 
 +For those that have bought a catering ticket, you will receive 5 meals from Friday dinner to Sunday breakfast.  These meals will be provided free of charge IC to those who have OC paid for them.  The IC caterers, a small Cell of Lightbringers, are known to be above reproach and their food is noteworthy for never having made anyone ill.  What this means is that although the caterers' characters are there and worth interacting with (they may know useful things, or just be fun to talk to!) the food itself is not and will not be a plot point - you won't get IC poisoned from eating food you've paid for OC! 
 +Breakfast will be at 9am, lunch/dinner at 1pm, dinner/tea at 7pm on Friday and 7.30pm on Saturday.  If possible, please bring your own IC-appropriate plates, bowls, cutlery and drinking vessel(s). 
 +The kitchen in the Taurus Lodge is for the caterers onlycrew will have access to the kitchen in the Dean Cabin.  Tea, coffee etc. will be available throughout. 
 +====Directions to the site==== 
 +**Address:** Where: [[http://www.northoxfordshirescouts.org.uk/page-horley_scout_camp.html|Horley Scout Camp]], Wroxton Road, Horley, Banbury, OX15 6AU 
 +The entrance is on **Horley Path Road**, to the east of the site as seen in [[https://www.google.co.uk/maps/place/Horley+Scout+Camp/@52.0818879,-1.4015654,15.25z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0xe0084b4ed72a38c|this Google Map]] 
 +====Site map==== 
 +{{:horley.jpg?direct&amp;750 |}}
next_event.1450095224.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/12/14 12:13 by joe
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